Michael I. Rauchman, MDCM
Chromalloy Professor of Medicine, Division of Nephrology
- Phone: 314-289-6485
Additional Title
Sectional Chief of Nephrology, St. Louis VA Medical Center
Mailing Address
Division of Nephrology
Mailing Address:
660 S. Euclid Ave., CB 8126
St. Louis, MO 63110
Postdoctoral Research Fellow, Genetics Division, Brigham & Women’s Hospital/Harvard Medical School, Boston, MA
Fellow, Renal Division Brigham & Women’s Hospital/Harvard Medical School Boston, MA
Resident and Chief Resident, Internal Medicine, St. Luke’s Hospital, Columbia University College of Physicians and Surgeons, New York, NY
M.D.C.M., McGill University Faculty of Medicine, Montreal, Canada
B.A., Tufts University, Medford, MA
Medical Licensure and Board Certification
American Board of Internal Medicine, Nephrology
Missouri License
Fellow, American Society of Nephrology
Recognized as Best Doctor, St. Louis Magazine
Established Investigator Award, American Heart Association
Basil O’Connor Starter Scholar Research Award, March of Dimes
Clinical Interests
Dr. Rauchman’s clinical responsibilities are performed at the St. Louis VA Medical Center and consists of caring and supervising the care of medical nephrology, and critical care inpatients at the VA Medical Center. He is also the renal section chief at the VA Medical Center and provides leadership and guidance to the faculty and management of dialysis, outpatient and inpatient nephrology services. Dr. Rauchman also holds a weekly clinic focusing on congenital kidney anomalies and follow up for patients with preeclampsia.
Research Interest
Dr. Rauchman’s research focuses on understanding the molecular and genetic basis of mammalian kidney development, how disruption of specific pathways leads to abnormal development of this organ, the consequences of injury to adult kidney and the relationship between genetic mutations in humans and the development of future cardiovascular and renal disorders in humans.
Selected Publications
1.Rauchman MI, Wasserman JC, Cohen DM, Perkins D, Hebert SC, Milford E, Gullans SR. Expression of GLUT-2 cDNA in Human B Lymphocytes: Analysis of Glucose Transport Using Flow Cytometry. Biochimica et Biophysica Acta. 1992 1111:231-238.
2. Rauchman MI, Nigam SK, Gullans SR. An Osmotically Tolerant Inner Medullary Collecting Duct Cell Line from an SV40 Transgenic Mouse. Am. J. Physiol. (Renal, Fluid and Electrolyte Physiology) 1993 265:F416-F424.
3. Cantley LG, Barros EJG, Gandhi M, Rauchman MI, Nigam SK. Regulation of Mitogenesis, Motogenesis and Tubulogenesis by Hepatocyte Growth Factor in Inner Medullary Collecting Duct Cells. Am. J. Physiol. (Renal Fluid and Electrolyte Physiology). 1994 267:F271-280.
4. *Delpire E, *Rauchman MI, Beir DR, Hebert SC, Gullans SR. Molecular Cloning and Chromosome Localization of a Putative Basolateral Na+-K+-2Cl- Cotransporter from Mouse Inner Medullary Collecting Duct (mIMCD-3) Cells. J. Biol. Chem. 1994 269:25677-25683. *(These authors contributed equally to this work)
5. Rauchman MI, Pullman J, Gullans SR. Induction of Molecular Chaperones by Hyperosmotic Stress in Mouse Inner Medullary Collecting Duct (mIMCD-3) Cells. Am. J. Physiol. (Renal Physiol. 42) 1997 273:F9-F17.
6. Sharon-Friling R, Richardson J, Sperbeck S, Lee D, Rauchman M, Maas R, Swaroop A, Wistow G. Lens-Specific Gene Recruitment of zeta-Crystallin through Pax6, Nrl-Maf, and Brain Suppressor Sites. Mol. Cell Biol. 1998 18:2067-2076.
7. Guan LS, Rauchman M, Wang ZY. Induction of Rb-associated Protein (RbAp46) by Wilms’ Tumor Suppressor WT1 Mediates Growth Inhibition. J. Biol. Chem. 1998 273:27047-27050.
8. Wawersik S, Purcell P, Rauchman MI, Dudley AT, Robertson EJ, Maas R. BMP7 is required for murine lens placode development. Dev. Biol. 1999 207:176-188.
9. Rauchman MI, Hoffman WH, Hanna JD, Kulharya AS, Yang J, Figueroa RE, Tuck-Muller CM. Exclusion of SIX6 hemizygosity in a child with microphthalmia, panhypotituitarism and renal failure. Am. J. Med. Gen. 2001 104:31-36.
10. Kwang SJ, Brugger SM, Lazik A, Merrill AE, Wu L-Y, Liu Y-H. Ishi M, Sangiorgi FO, Rauchman M, Sucov HM, Maas RL, Maxson RE. Msx2 is an immediate downstream effector of Pax3 in the development of the murine neural crest. Development. 2002 129:527-538.
11. McLeskey Kiefer, SM, McDill BW, Yang J, Rauchman MI. Murine Sall1 represses transcription by recruiting a histone deacetylase complex. J. Biol. Chem. 2002 277:14869-14876.
12. Yang J, McLeskey Kiefer SM, Rauchman, MI. Characterization of the gene encoding murine retinoblastoma binding protein 7 (Rbbp7), a component of chromatin-remodeling complexes. Genomics. 2002 80:407-415.
13. Kiefer SM, Ohlemiller KK, Yang J, McDill BW, Kohlhase J, Rauchman MI. Expression of a truncated sall1 transcriptional repressor is responsible for Townes-Brocks syndrome birth defects. Human Molecular Genetics. 2003 17:2221-2227.
14. Beebe D, Guo J, Garcia C, Wang X, Rajagopal R, Feldmeier M, Kim JY, Chytil A, Moses H, Ashery-Padan R, Rauchman M. Contributions of Members of the TGFβ Superfamily to Lens Development. Int. J. Dev. Biol. 2004 48:845-856.
15. Lauberth SM, Rauchman MI. A Conserved Twelve Amino Acid Motif in Sall1 Recruits the Nucleosome Remodeling and Deacetylase (NuRD) Corepessor Complex. J. of Biol. Chem. 2006 281: 23922-23931.
16. Lauberth SM, Bilyeu AC, Kroll KL, Rauchman MI. Serine Phosphorylation of the Sall1 Repression Motif (SRM) Regulates Gbx2 Expression by Affecting NuRD Recruitment. J. of Biol. Chem. 2007 282:34858-68.
17. El-Achkar TM, Wu XR, Rauchman MI, McCracken R, Kiefer S, Dagher P. Tamm-Horsfall Protein Protects the Kidney from Ischemic Injury by Decreasing Inflammation and Altering TL4 Expression. Am. J. Physiol. Renal Physiol. 2008 295:F534-544.
18. Kiefer SM, Robbins L, Barina A, Zhang Z, Rauchman MI. SALL1 truncated protein expression in Townes-Brocks syndrome leads to ectopic expression of downstream genes. Human Mutation. 2008 29:1133-1140.
19. Lin C, Yin Y, Chen H, Fisher AV, Rauchman M and Ma L. Construction and characterization of a doxycycline-inducible transgenic system in Msx2 expressing cells. Genesis. 2009 47:352-59.
20. Datta R, Shah GN, Rubbelke TS, Waheed A, Rauchman M, Goodman AG, Katze MG, Sly WS. Progressive renal Injury from transgenic expression of human carbonic anhydrase IV folding mutants is enhanced by deficiency of p58IPK. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA. 2010 107:6448-52.
21. Kiefer SM, Robbins L, Lin C, Ma L, Rauchman M. Sall1–dependent signals affect Wnt signaling and ureter tip fate to initiate kidney development. Development. 2010 137:3099-3106.
22. Al-Aly Z, Zeringue A, Fu J, Rauchman M, Macdonald JR, El-Achkar T, Nurutdinova D, Xian H, Stroupe K, Abbott KC, Eisen S. Rate of Kidney Function Decline is Associated with Increased Risk of Death in Patients with Early Stage 3 Chronic Kidney Disease. J. Am. Soc. Neph. 2010 21:1961-9.
23. Balasubramanian G, Al-Aly Z, Moiz A, Rauchman M, Zhang Z, Goplakrishnan R, Balasubramanian S, and El-Achkar TM. Early Nephrologist Involvement in Hospital-Acquired AKI: A Pilot Study. Am. J. Kid. Dis. 2011 57:228-234.
24. El-Achkar TM, McCracken R, Rauchman M, Heitmeier M, Al-Aly Z, Dagher P, and Wu XR. Tamm-Horsfall Protein Deficient Thick Ascending Limbs Promote Injury to Neighboring S3 Segments in a MIP-2 Dependent Mechanism. Am. J. Physiol. Renal Physiol. 2011 300:F999-F1007.
25. Kiefer SM, Robbins L & Rauchman M. Conditional Expression of Wnt9b in Six2-positive Cells Disrupts Stomach and Kidney Function. PLoS ONE. 2012 7(8):e43098.
26. Denner D & Rauchman M. Mi2-NuRD is required in renal progenitor cells during embryonic kidney development. Dev. Biol. 2013 375:105-116.
27. Fried LF, Emanuele N, Zhang JH, Brophy M, Conner TA, Duckworth W, Leehey DJ, McCullough PA, O’Connor T, Palevsky PM, Reilly RF, Seliger SL, Warren SR, Watnick S, Peduzzi P, Guarino P; VA NEPHRON-D Investigators. Combined Angiotensin Inhibition for Diabetic Nephropathy. NEJM. 2013 369:1892-1903 (Rauchman-local site PI).
28. Basta JM, Robbins L, Kiefer SM, Dorsett D & Rauchman M. Sall1 balances self- renewal and differentiation of renal progenitor cells. Development. 2014 141:1047-58.
29. Golestaneh L, Lindsey K, Malhotra P, Al Qaraghuli F, Farkas E, Barner H, Qazi R, Schmidt A, Rauchman M, Al-Aly Z, Johnson R, Martin K, Dagher P, Friedman A, and El-Achkar TM.. Acute Kidney Injury after Cardiac Surgery: Is Minocycline Protective? J. Nephrology. 2015 28:193-9 (epub Oct 2014).
30. Hirsch S, El-Achkar T, Robbins L, Basta J, Heitmeier M, Nishinakamura R, and Rauchman M. A mouse model of Townes-Brocks syndrome expressing a truncated mutant Sall1 protein is protected from acute kidney injury. Am. J. Physiol. Renal Physiol. 2015 309:F852-63.
31. Salman H, Shuai X, Nguyen-Lefebvre AT, Giri B, Ren M, Rauchman M, Robbins L, Hou W, Korkaya H, Ma Y. SALL1 expression in acute myeloid leukemia. Oncotarget. 2017 9:7442-7452.
32. Liberalesso PBN,, Cordeiro ML, Karuta SCV, , Koladicz KRJ, Nitsche A, Zeigelboim BS, Raskin S, Rauchman M. Phenotypic and genotypic aspects of Townes-Brock syndrome: case report of patient in southern Brazil with a new SALL1 hotspot region nonsense mutation. BMC Med Genet 2017 18:125.
33. Basta JM, Robbins L, Denner DR Kolar GR and Rauchman M. Sall1-NuRD Interaction Regulates Multipotent Nephron Progenitors and is Required for Loop of Henle Formation. Development, 2017 144:3080-3094. (Journal cover).
34. Wang Y, Wu B, Farrar E, Lui W, Lu P, Zhang D, Alfieri CM, Mao K, Chu M, Yang D, Xu D, Rauchman M, Taylor V, Conway SJ, Yutzey KE, Butcher JT, Zhou B. Notch-Tnf signaling is required for development and homeostasis of arterial valves. Eur Heart J. 2017 Oct;38:675-686.
35. Chunling Ma, Fang Wang, Bing Han, Xiaoli Zhong, Fusheng Si, Jian Ye, Eddy C. Hsueh5, Lynn Robbins, Susan M. Kiefer, Yanping Zhang, Pamela Hunborg, Mark A. Varvares, Michael Rauchman* and Guangyong Peng*. SALL1 functions as a tumor suppressor in breast cancer by regulating cancer cell senescence and metastasis through the NuRD complex. Molecular Cancer 2018 17:78-98. (*corresponding authors).
36. Koraishy FM, Hooks-Anderson D, Salas J, Rauchman M, Scherrer JF. Fast GFR decline and progression to CKD among primary care patients with preserved GFR. International Urology & Nephrology 2018 50:501-508.
37. Bozal-Basterra L, Martín-Ruíz I, Pirone L, Liang Y, Sigurðsson JO, Gonzalez-Santamarta M, Giordano I, Gabicagogeascoa E, de Luca A, Rodríguez JA, Wilkie AOM, Kohlhase J, Eastwood D, Yale C, Olsen JV, Rauchman M, Anderson KV, Sutherland JD, Barrio R. Truncated SALL1 Impedes Primary Cilia Function in Townes-Brocks Syndrome. Am. J Hum Genet. 2018 102:249-265.
38. Ramalingam H, Fessler AR, Das A, Valerius MT, Basta J, Robbins L, Brown AC, Oxburgh L, McMahon AP, Rauchman M, Carroll TJ. Disparate levels of beta-catenin activity determine nephron progenitor cell fate. Developmental biology. 2018 440(1):13-21
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