WashU Nephrology Nurse Practitioner Lisa Koester-Wiedemann, MSN, CS, CNN-NP, and Clinical Nurse Coordinator of Home Modalities Cheryl Cress, RN, CNN, will participate in the Annual Dialysis Conference (ADC) program being held March 8-10, 2024.
Now in its 44th year, the ADC hosts an international community of practitioners and researchers to explore both the fundamental principles and the latest advancements in chronic kidney disease (CKD) and renal replacement therapies for adult and pediatric patients. The event, sponsored by the Karl Nolph, MD, Division of Nephrology at the University of Missouri School of Medicine, will feature sessions on hemodialysis, peritoneal dialysis, pediatrics, nursing and nutrition, and more.
Koester-Wiedemann, who was on the meeting’s planning committee, will moderate the “Nursing Roundtable Discussion” panel, on which Cress will be a panelist. The panel will review issues affecting the day-to-day operation and activities in the home dialysis workplace.
Other panels moderated by Koester-Wiedemann include “Optimal Kidney Replacement Life Plan” and “Challenges Faced by the Home Dialysis Workforce.” She is also presenting the Best Nursing Abstract Award at the event’s awards dinner.

Cress will also be part of a panel discussing “Staff Management/Troubleshooting of Home Dialysis Problems” and will present a talk on “Home HD Prescription Regimens.”
Additionally, “Setting Our Biases Aside: Modality Options Education,” a poster from WashU Nephrology’s nursing staff will also be presented at the meeting’s Poster Session (authors: Lisa Koester-Wiedemann, Cheryl Cress, Clinical Nurse Coordinator Mayu Chitwood, Nurse Manager Shawna McMichael, Clinical Nurse Coordinator Andrew Wasson, Clinical Nurse Coordinator Katie Blackwell).
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