The fourth National Kidney Foundation (NKF) Annual Fellows Renal Roundtable, will be held Thursday, December 5, 2024, 5:00 – 7:30 PM, at the Sheraton Westport Chalet Hotel, 191 Westport Plaza, St. Louis, MO, 63146.
The professional education and networking event is a collaboration of WashU and SSM Health Saint Louis University (SLU) nephrology programs. Renal fellows and mentoring teams from the two institutions will discuss Nephrology Care Challenges & Clinical Innovations for the Community.
Fellows Muhammad Yasir Baloch, MD, and Olga Postovitenko, MD, from WashU Nephrology, will present Advances in Glomerulonephritis. Fellows Shannon Ejiofor, DO, and Rengin Elsurer Afsar, MD, from SLU Division of Nephrology and Hypertension will present Salt and Body Works: A Contemporary Approach to Sodium Intake in CKD Patients.
Fellows Muhammad Yasir Baloch, MD, and Olga Postovitenko, MD, from WashU Nephrology, will present Advances in Glomerulonephritis. Fellows Shannon Ejiofor, DO, and Rengin Elsurer Afsar, MD, from SLU Division of Nephrology and Hypertension will present Salt and Body Works: A Contemporary Approach to Sodium Intake in CKD Patients.

Participating faculty members include: WashU’s Tarek Alhamad, MD, and Seth Goldberg, MD; and SLU’s Krista Lentine, MD, PhD, and Kana Miyata, MD.
For more information, contact Kathleen Davis at (314) 961-2828 x483 or kathleen.davis@kidney.org.

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