Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, and blogs are abuzz with discussion of eight topics that make up the brackets for this year’s NephMadness educational competition.
This is the 9th year of the program created by the team at AJKD Blog, the official blog of the American Journal of Kidney Diseases. It is modeled on March Madness, the annual United States college basketball tournament. The month-long educational tournament plays out across all social media outlets, providing good-natured competition while highlighting the latest advances and breakthroughs in nephrology.
Eight general nephrology themes (“regions”) are broken down into 4 specific concepts (“teams”). Teams compete against each other in a single elimination contest. Each topic is introduced by an in-depth review of the subject written by an expert in the field. These content experts assure that the information presented is accurate, unbiased, and interesting.
A nine-member Blue Ribbon Panel selects the winners of each round in NephMadness. For each matchup, they are asked to pick the team that, in their opinion, will cause the most practice change in nephrology over the next five years.
This is the 3rd year that CME/CE credit and MOC points are available for players. The brackets, revealed March 1, 2021, are to be submitted by March 31. For more details, read the explanatory post and register here. Watch video below.
The Eight regions and corresponding content experts are:
- Anemia: Nupur Gupta @nupur_nephron | Arun Rajasekaran @Nephronpower
- Animal House: Kelly Hyndman @DrKeeksPhD | Tiffany Truong @CRRTiff
- Artificial Kidney: Bill Fissell @fisselliv | Krishna Agarwal @KrishnaAdit
- COVID-19: Maria Jose Soler @PepaSolerR | Debbie Chen @dc_chen | Christin Giordano @CGiordano1225
- ICU Nephrology: Ashita Tolwani @luck_urine | Ryann Sohaney @RyannSohaney
- Liquid Biopsy: Florian Buchkremer @swissnephro | Caitlyn Vlasschaert @DrFlashHeart
- Primary Care: Clarissa Diamantidis @cjdiamantidis | Racquel Holmes @RacquelbelleMD
- Workforce: Yusra Cheema @YusraCheema1| Bethany Roehm @bethany_roehm
Grand Prizes will go to: Top Overall Score, Top Medical Student Score, Top Resident Score, Top Fellow Score, and Top Attending Score. Each Grand Prize winner will receive a complimentary year-long personal subscription to AJKD and Nature Reviews Nephrology and a plaque.
Group Prizes will go to: Highest Score, Most Entries, and Best Party. Each Group Prize winner will receive up to 30 NephMadness facemasks (more than 30 individuals can be affiliated with a group, but we will only award 30 prizes per group) and a plaque.
Check out WashU Nephrology on Twitter @WUNephrology!