The Dr. Kevin J Martin Winter 2024 City-Wide Renal Grand Rounds Dinner, hosted by Washington University School of Medicine Division of Nephrology and St. Louis University School of Medicine Division of Nephrology, and co-hosted by the Eastern MO National Kidney Foundation, will be held Thursday, January 25, 2024.
The event allows area nephrologists to gather for dinner and discuss an important renal topic via a case presentation. Fadee Abu Al Rub, MD (SLU) will present this Thursday’s topic, “An allograft’s struggle for survival: Defying disease recurrence, rejection, and infection.” Massini Merzhani, MD (WashU) and Jessenia Guerrero, MD (SLU) are the discussants.

The reception will begin at 6:15 pm, followed by dinner at 6:45 pm. The case presentation/discussion begins at 7:00 pm.
This is a free, hybrid program. Registration is required; a Zoom meeting link will be sent upon registration. Due to limited seating, in-person attendance is limited to healthcare professionals. The event will take place at Mariposa – Neiman Marcus, Upper Level, 100 Plaza Frontenac, St. Louis, MO 63131.
For questions, please contact (314-961-2828 x483 or (314-977-2867). See flyer below.
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