This annual symposium offers an in-depth review of the most clinically-encountered topics in transplantation and provide hands-on workshops to allow participants to build important technical skills.

“This is currently the only transplant symposium in the United States that provides workshops in HLA, transplant pathology, and ultrasound along with the transplant lectures,” says Tarek Alhamad, MD, MS, associate professor of medicine, medical director of transplant nephrology, and the driving force behind the symposium since it was first held in 2015. “It is also unique in that we have actual recipients and donors to present their experiences.”
Designed for health care professionals including physicians in training, transplant coordinators, surgical assistants, nurses, pharmacists, and nephrologists who are interested in learning more about kidney transplantation, the symposium provides a unique opportunity to interact closely with leaders in the transplant field.
The CME-accredited symposium provides travel awards to a number of fellows to attend the symposium.

The transplant, surgical, and medical teams at WashU/BJH have a very active presence on social media. Please check out the following sites on Twitter:
-Dr. Tarek Alhamad @TransplantPulse
-WashU Nephrology Transplant @WUTransplant
-Department of Surgery @WashUSurgery
-Department of Medicine @WUDeptMedicine
-WashU Nephrology @WUNephrology