Second year fellow Sagar Gupta, MD, tackles the case.
Test your diagnostic skills with the case of a young patient with a nephritic presentation: Cr 1.7, 3+ blood, 3+ protein, rbc casts on sediment, UPC = 3.8 g/g and low C3 in a 32 year-old male who developed tea colored urine, edema and hypertension. Dr. Tim Yau has now released the fifth episode of his highly popular web nephrology teaching series. The series has over 100 subscribers and over 2000 total views to date. Second-year fellow Sagar Gupta, MD, tests his renal pathology knowledge with WU Renal Pathologist Dr. Joe Gaut.
Subscribe to the the official WU Nephrology Youtube Channel! The Washington University Nephrology Pathology Series is endorsed by the Renal Fellow Network, AJKDblog and NephronPower.