“From the bottom of my heart, I LOVE MY JOB,” says Jamie Miles, Administrative Coordinator at the Washington University Dialysis Center at Forest Park. “I know that most people cannot say that and truly mean it.”
But Jamie means it, and it shows. Jamie was chosen to be the November 2017 Star Performer, after being nominated for the award by her colleagues.
The award is presented by the Washington University Physicians Faculty Practice Plan (FPP) to clinical staff who provide exceptional service and compassionate care to patients and families. Stephanie Weisenborn, FPP Coordinator of Service Quality, presented the award to Jamie on December 19, 2017.
Jamie’s career at Washington University/BJH began in 1988 as a receptionist in the Radiology/Breast Health Center. Ten years later, she transferred to the Lung Volume Reduction Office in Surgery where she advanced her secretarial skills.

Left to right are Dr. Marcos Rothstein, Jamie Miles and Dr. George Jarad.
In 1999, Jamie joined the Kidney Transplant team and in 2003 became Medical Secretary III in Transplant Surgery, a position in which she became familiar with kidney dialysis. “I scheduled all of the appointments for the doctor’s dialysis access/transplant surgeries, follow up appointments, access studies, dictations, and did my best to make sure all of the patients kept their appointments. It is here that I learned the importance of permanent dialysis access vs dialysis catheter.”
Jamie joined the Forest Park Dialysis Center in 2005, and “covered the front line” for all patients and visitors entering the unit for in-center dialysis, home dialysis and clinics. “I came to know all of my patients, family members, and anyone who came in the front door as friends and family of my own.”

Friends gathered for Jamie’s STAR award ceremony, keeping the award secret from Jamie until the big reveal.
Aware that the patients coming to the center were normally “scared to death” when they arrived for their first treatments, Jamie says she would greet them with a smile, care and compassion that a lot of people need to put them at ease and let them know they are not just a number. “I came to know all of them by name, what vehicle they drove, and who brought them to and from dialysis.”
She was once told that she was a guard dog on duty.
“I have hugged, held, and cried with a lot of my patients and their families as they go through this very trying time in their lives,” Jamie recounts. “I have attended many a funeral and visitation for our patients and family members that have passed. They all hold a very special place in my heart.”
Jamie received a promotion to Administrative Coordinator at the Forest Park Kidney Center in October of 2016. “I was very reluctant to take the position because I didn’t want to give up my front desk and not be able to see my patients on a daily basis.” However, Jamie realized that the position allows her to concentrate on the best care for the patients who need to get to dialysis treatments, get permanent access and try to reduce hospital admissions.
“I have also made it known to my patients that I did not leave, and that I am still here for them. It has truly been a blessing for me to join this team and have the opportunity to work here.”
Jamie goes to work every day knowing she makes a difference in people’s lives. “A lot of our patients see me more than they do their own children and family members and I want them all to know that I love them and that they do matter to me. I believe it was my calling to be here. I feel very humbled receiving this award.”
Congratulations, and thank you, Jamie. You are a true Star!
In addition to receiving public acknowledgement of her service, Jamie received a gift of $100, a custom-made WU Physicians Star Performer insulated tote bag, a framed Certificate of Appreciation, a Letter of Commendation, a Star Performer lapel pin, and eligibility for the annual Guiding Star Award.
The Division of Nephrology was also recognized in December 2016 when Clinical Nurse Coordinator Connie Mayo was chosen to be a Star Performer.