The 10th annual NephMadness officially starts today, March 1, 2022. The month-long event, hosted by AJKD Blog, is an online interactive medical education activity modeled on March Madness, the annual US college basketball tournament, except with nephrology concepts.
Social media, interactivity, and gamification take center stage in the tournament, encouraging a good-natured, robust discussion of the hottest nephrology topics.
The competition starts with eight main topics (regions) that are each divided into four competing subtopics (teams). Each topic is introduced by an in-depth review of the subject written by an expert in the field. The bracket listing all 32 topics was kept secret until today.
Each topic is introduced by a fully referenced summary called a Scouting Report, written by an expert in the field.
How to play: For each pairing, read the summary reports and pick the topic you think will make the most practiced change in nephrology in the next five years.
Winners for each matchup are determined by majority vote from a “mega” 21-member Blue-Ribbon Panel this year. WashU Nephrology’s own Timothy Yau, MD, is on the NephMadness Executive Team (follow Yau @Maximal_Change on Twitter).
The eight main regions this year are:
- Animal House: Kelly Hyndman @DrKeeksPhD | Tiffany Truong @CRRTiff
- Cardiorenal: Nisha Bansal @NishaKidneyDoc | Sadiya Khan @HeartDocSadiya | Caitlyn Vlasschaert @DrFlashHeart
- Hemodialysis: Daniel Weiner @DanTheKidneyMan | Bourne Auguste @bourneauguste
- Inequities: Dinushika Mohottige @DMohottige | Katie Rizzolo @katierizzolo
- Lupus: Keisha Gibson @Dr_KeishaGibson | Jason Kidd @jkidd03
- Neonatal Nephrology: David Askenazi @DDD_Askenazi | Michelle Starr @mcstarr1
- Nephropath: Shree Sharma @nephrosharma | Elena Cervantes @Elena_Cervants
- Parasites: Arvind Conjeevaram @arvindcanchi | Mythri Shankar @nephromythri
Visit AJKD Blog to register, read about the topics, and make your choices. CME/CE credit and MOC points are available for players. The brackets are to be submitted by March 31. F
Follow Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram sites for NephMadness 2022 to join in on the conversation about the topics. Use #NephMadness when posting and let yourselves be heard!
Watch the how-to-play video (by @KidneyCathy):