It’s not too late to register for the National Kidney Foundation Fellows Renal Roundtable, to be held Wednesday, December 7, 2022, 5:45 – 7:30 PM CST. The professional education and networking event is a collaboration of Washington University School of Medicine, Saint Louis University School of Medicine, and the University of Missouri School of Medicine.
Renal fellows from the three institutions will discuss Nephrology Care Challenges and Clinical Innovations for 2023, focusing on the best practices in chronic kidney disease care and modalities selection in end-stage renal disease (home dialysis and transplant). WashU Nephrology is represented by fellows Mahathi Kalipatnapu, MD and Swathi Velagapudi, MBBS, MD; SLU Division of Nephrology and Hypertension is represented by Aliza Memon, MD, FCPS and Thejeswi Pujar, MD, FACP; and the University of Missouri Division of Nephrology is represented by Zaid Al-Dahabrah, MD, and Manoj Datta, MD.
Also participating are faculty members: Tarek Alhamad, MD, Steven Cheng, MD, Rowena Delos Santos, MD, Krista Lentine, MD, PhD, Geetha Maddukuri, MD, Marie Philipneri, MD, PhD, Ramesh Khanna, MD, Kunal Malhotra, MD, MBA, and Madhukar Misra, MD.
This is a great opportunity for several nephrology and transplant nephrology fellows from all fellowship programs in our regions to join together to share their clinical and academic interests.
Dr. Tarek Alhamad, Associate Professor of Medicine, WashU Nephrology, and Medical Director of Transplant Nephrology
The hybrid lecture is open to all physicians and advanced practitioners, but registration is required (and is free). Attend in person at SqWires Restaurant & Market Annex Room or via Zoom live streaming (meeting link will be sent upon registration). For questions, contact Kathleen Davis, Executive Director:, (314-961-2828, x483).
Follow @kidney_stl, @nkf, @mumedicine, @slunephrons, @Mizzou, @WUNephrology, @TransplantPulse, @RenalRhapsody, @KristaLentine on Twitter, and keep up-to-date with WashU Nephrology and the National Kidney Foundation-St. Louis on Facebook.
Register here and see program flyer below.