The Onco-Nephrology Program provides nephrology subspecialty consultation for cancer survivors and patients undergoing therapy for cancer. The full spectrum of kidney-related services is offered, including hypertension, fluid and electrolyte disorders, chronic kidney disease, glomerular disease, acute kidney injury and genetic abnormalities. Late effects of chemotherapy, irradiation and surgery are a focus of the clinic, as well as specific kidney toxicities of cancer treatment that can occur during chemotherapy treatment and bone marrow transplantation.
The clinic is staffed by Anitha Vijayan, MD and Benjamin Humphreys MD, PhD and patients are seen at Barnes-Jewish Hospital.
Contact Information
Benjamin D. Humphreys MD, PhD
Matzumura Umemoto, Gonzalo, MD
Center for Advanced Medicine Medicine Multispecialty Center
4921 Parkview Place, Floor 5, Suite C
St. Louis, MO 63110
Office Phone: 314-362-7603