“Adapting Kidney Care to the COVID-19 Pandemic” was the topic of the latest Renal Roundtable Lecture Series, a professional education and networking event held December 2, 2021.

The Zoom webinar was presented by nephrology fellows Jason Cummings, MD, and Mohamed “Mo” Ibrahim, MD, from Washington University and Mehdi Pahlavani, MD, and Usama Elewa, MD, from St. Louis University. The yearly event, which is open to all physicians and advanced practitioners, is sponsored by the National Kidney Foundation (NKF).

“The COVID-19 pandemic has imposed great challenges to all transplant centers, including ours,” says Dr. Ibrahim. “The number of organs donated were affected by the peaks of the pandemic and this has required us to introduce new guidelines to adapt to the shift in the standard of care. Our transplant center was the first to transplant a COVID-19 positive recipient, and it was also the first to give post-exposure prophylaxis to recipients who received COVID-19 positive organs.”
Also participating in the discussion were faculty members Tarek Alhamad, MD, Steven Cheng, MD, Rowena Delos Santos, MD from WashU, and Yasar Caliskan, MD, Krista Lentine, MD, PhD, Marie Philipneri, MD, PhD, and Mai Vo, MD from SLU.

“It was a great event where fellows from both institutions had the chance to present their clinical experience and scholarly projects encountered during the COVID-19 pandemic,” says Tarek Alhamad MD, MS, FACP, FASN, Associate Professor of Medicine, Nephrology, and Medical Director of the Pancreas and Kidney Transplant Programs at WashU/Barnes-Jewish Hospital. “I am looking forward to more events in the future.”
Presenting sponsor for the event: Alexion AstraZeneca Rare Disease. Silver sponsors: @akebiatx, @AstraZeneca, @CareDx, #Veloxis, and @SanofiGenzyme
Follow @TransplantPulse, @JCummingsMD, @DrMoIbrahim , @RenalRapsody, @yasar_caliskan, @KristaLentine, @MaiVoMD, @WUNephrology, @slunephrons, and @nkf on Twitter, and keep up-to-date with WashU Nephrology and the National Kidney Foundation-St. Louis on Facebook.