Renal Staff Microgrant Winner4: Home BP Program for Low Income Renal Clinic Patients

Home_BP_cuffManaging blood pressure is critically important to slow the loss of kidney function in patients with chronic kidney disease (CKD). A team from the Renal Clinic has been awarded a microgrant to provide low income patients with a portable home blood pressure cuff. This facilitates achieving blood pressure control because patients can simply call their readings into the clinic, and if their drug regimen needs to be adjusted, that can also be done over the phone, saving the patient a trip to the clinic.

In some patients, blood pressure readings in the clinic are inaccurate because their anxiety at being there causes their blood pressure to rise – the “white-coat syndrome.” Home BP cuffs solve this problem as well. The team consists oWill Ross M.D, Connie Mayo, Michelle Bloorp., Bridget Blaes, Lois Seibel, Cheryl Land and Vicky Stringer.