Dr. Jeffrey Miner is Principal Investigator of New CDI Pediatric Disease Mouse Models Core

Dr. Jeffrey Miner

Jeffrey Miner, PhD, Professor of Medicine, WU Division of Nephrology, has been awarded a three-year, $449,500, Core Large Initiative grant by the Children’s Discovery Institute (CDI) that will fund the new the Pediatric Disease Mouse Models Core (PDMMC).  The core will generate mouse models of pediatric disease using state-of-the-art CRISPR/Cas9 and ROSA-TALEN technologies. The PDMMC […]

Zebrafish Models Micro-Grants Awarded to Drs. Jain and Mahjoub

Associate Professor Sanjay Jain, MD, PhD and Assistant Professor Moe Mahjoub, PhD, in the Division of Nephrology will each receive a micro-grant from the Children’s Discovery Institute (CDI) Zebrafish Models for Pediatric Research Services Cooperative (ZRSC). The CDI, a partnership between St. Louis Children’s Hospital and Washington University School of Medicine, was established in 2006 […]