From the heart: Drs. Yong-feng Gong and Hani Suleiman Receive AHA Grants

Congratulations are in order for two young investigators in the Division of Nephrology who have been awarded AWRP Summer 2016 Scientist Development Grants from the American Heart Association (AHA). These grants are intended to help promising, beginning scientists bridge the gap from completion of their research training to becoming an independent investigator. Yong-Feng Gong, PhD, […]

Best Wishes, Vicky Stringer

The Division of Nephrology would like to wish Vicky Stringer, L.C.S. W., all the best in her retirement. Vicky has been both a dialysis center social worker and renal clinic social worker over the 24 years that she has been with the division. Vicky has served on the board of the National Kidney Foundation for […]

Vijayan Joins the Challenge: NTDS Commitment to Improve Dialysis Care

An ambitious – and exciting – initiative that will challenge the dialysis community to rethink how infections are detected, reported, and managed is being launched by a collaboration between the ASN and the CDC. Anitha Vijayan, MD, Professor of Medicine, Division of Nephrology, is co-chair of one of the work groups of the Nephrologists Transforming […]