Nephrology Moves into Its New Digs

It didn’t take long for the new laboratory space to fill up once the Division of Nephrology relocated to its new location on the 8th floor of the McDonnell Medical Science Building. The 7th floor of the Wohl Clinic building had been the home for the Division of Nephrology for well over 50 years.  As […]

Drs. Kefalogianni and Khoury Awarded 2019 Translational Innovation Grant

The Division of Nephrology’s 2019 Translational Innovation Grant has been awarded to Instructor of Medicine Eirini Kefalogianni, PhD, and Assistant Professor of Medicine Charbel C. Khoury, MD, in the sum of $50,000. The Translational Innovation Grant program, now in its fourth year, brings together a basic scientist and a clinician from within the division to collaborative on a project that […]

Goldberg and Mahjoub Awarded Nephrology Translational Innovation Grant

Assistant Professors of Medicine Moe Mahjoub, PhD and Seth Goldberg, MD, are recipients of the 2016 Translational Innovation Grant, awarded by Division of Nephrology in the sum of $50,000. The winning proposal, entitled Midbody Accumulation and Secretion in Polycystic Kidney Disease, aims to define how defects in components of the cell cytoskeleton contribute to the […]