Miner Co-Chairs American Society for Matrix Biology Workshop on Basement Membranes

The American Society for Matrix Biology (ASMB) Workshop 2017 on Basement Membranes will be held July 12 – 14, 2017, at Vanderbilt Medical Center, Nashville, TN. Jeffrey Miner, Professor of Medicine, Division of Nephrology at Washington University, and Roy Zent, Vice Chair of Research for the Department of Medicine and member of the Division of […]

On Alert! Disaster Medical Response Teams Ready to Help

When a tornado, hurricane, or earthquake strikes, most of us watch the devastation play out on the evening news. Some of us reach for the checkbook to send a donation. But others like Jean Audrain, Clinical Research Nurse Coordinator in the Division of Nephrology, will have their bags packed, waiting for the call that will […]

Zebrafish Models Micro-Grants Awarded to Drs. Jain and Mahjoub

Associate Professor Sanjay Jain, MD, PhD and Assistant Professor Moe Mahjoub, PhD, in the Division of Nephrology will each receive a micro-grant from the Children’s Discovery Institute (CDI) Zebrafish Models for Pediatric Research Services Cooperative (ZRSC). The CDI, a partnership between St. Louis Children’s Hospital and Washington University School of Medicine, was established in 2006 […]

CJASN Podcast Hosts Dr. Tingting Li and Co-authors to Discuss Monocyte Count and CKD Publication

Associate Professor of Medicine Tingting Li, Division of Nephrology at WU, and colleagues from the Clinical Epidemiology Center at the VA Saint Louis Health Care System participated in the recently launched CJASN Podcast to discuss their publication Association between Monocyte Count and Risk of Incident CKD and Progression to ESRD. Dr. Li, first author and […]

NephMadness 2017 Champion: Genes in ESKD Disparity

The winner of NephMadness 2017 has been decided. In a 5-4 determination of the AJKD Blog blue ribbon panel, Genes in ESKD Disparity beat CRISPR-Cas9. Over the last four weeks, the educational tournament NephMadness 2017 has played out over the web and social media outlets. The interactive event was a big hit featuring upsets, participation […]

1in9 Kidney Awareness Documentary Visits Division of Nephrology

Analyn Scott swipes through the pictures on her phone, finds the one she is searching for and proudly holds it up for all to see. The picture is of a man and woman in full Dancing with the Stars costumes, frozen mid-step in what appears to be a very energetic dance. “Tell me if that […]

Tarek Alhamad to Serve on KPCOP Executive Committee

Division of Nephrology Assistant Professor of Medicine Tarek Alhamad has been elected to serve a two-year term as a Committee Member-at-Large on the Kidney Pancreas Community of Practice (KPCOP) Executive Committee. Members of the KPCOP Executive Committee advise the American Society of Transplantation (AST) Board of Directors on its goal of promoting research, education, advocacy, […]

APOL1 Gene Variants are Causal Factors of Kidney Disease in African Americans

Professor of Medicine Jeff Miner, PhD, FASN, Division of Nephrology, is co-author of a recent study in Nature Medicine that proves that certain variants of the APOL1 gene cause kidney disease. For years, it has been known that African Americans have a 3-5-fold increased risk of developing chronic kidney disease (CKD) and end-stage renal disease […]

Rolling in – Dr. Brennan’s Back

It has been a long road to recovery for Dr. Dan Brennan after his accident on Camelback Mountain in October 2016. When asked how his leg is healing, he slips off his shoe, lifts his pant leg, and pulls off his compression socks to reveal the long purple scar that runs from his right calf […]

Andrew Malone Interviews for World Kidney Day on Fox 2 Now

Dr. Andrew Malone, Washington University nephrologist, was interviewed by news anchor Lisa Hart of Fox 2 NOW AM to discuss prevention and early detection of kidney disease in honor of World Kidney Day on March 9, 2017. World Kidney Day, a joint initiative of the International Society of Nephrology and the International Federation of Kidney Foundations, […]