A Remarkable Gift

Lake Ozark Police Detective Shane Pierce cares about his community. He mentors youth in his community through a Police Kids Academy. He started a Coffee and a Cop program. He organized a Guns and Hoses charity basketball game. He’s even appeared as McGruff the Crime Dog at many community events. So, when Detective Shane Pierce […]

Dr. Feng Chen and Colleague Awarded $2.2M NIH R01 Grant

Feng Chen, PhD, Associate Professor of Medicine in the Division of Nephrology and Cell Biology and Physiology, along with his collaborator Li Ding, PhD, Associate Professor of Medicine (Oncology Division), have been awarded a four-year, $2.2 million R01 grant from the NIH National Human Genome Research Institute (NHGRI) to fund a research project titled Pathogenic […]

Maggie Chen Awarded $1.52M NIH R01 Grant to Study Nephrotic Syndrome

Congratulations to Assistant Professor of Medicine Ying (Maggie) Chen, MD, PhD, who has been awarded a five-year $1.52M total costs, R01 grant from the NIH to fund a research project titled Podocyte Endoplasmic Reticulum Stress and Nephrotic Syndrome. Nephrotic syndrome (NS), characterized by heavy proteinuria and increased risk of loss of kidney function, causes serious […]

Dr. Suleiman to Help Inaugurate WUCCI as a Nikon Center of Excellence

Instructor of Medicine Hani Suleiman, MD, PhD, will be speaking at the inaugural symposium celebrating the designation of Washington University Center for Cellular Imaging (WUCCI) as a Nikon Center of Excellence (NCE) in live cell and super-resolution microscopy. The title of Dr. Suleiman’s talk is Super-resolution Imaging of the Actin Cytoskeleton of Kidney Podocytes. The […]

Celebrating Nephrology Nurses

Although appreciated year-round, nephrology nurses are properly recognized this week, September 10-16, 2017, during the official Nephrology Nurses Week. The celebration gives us the opportunity to come right out and say to our nephrology nurses, “Thank you for all you do!” The American Nephrology Nurses Association (ANNA) initially honored the life-saving work of nurses who […]

40K and Counting! Nephrology Web Series

Congratulations to Assistant Professor of Medicine Timothy Yau and his Washington University in St. Louis Nephrology Web Video Series, which just topped 40,000 views on YouTube. In December 2015, Dr. Yau launched the video series as a way to teach clinical nephrology to trainees in an entertaining, web-friendly manner. In the first nine months, the […]

Victoria Fraser Honored by St. Louis Business Journal

Victoria Fraser, MD, Adolphus Busch Professor of Medicine and Chair of the Department of Medicine at the Washington University School of Medicine, was recently honored by the St. Louis Business Journal as one of the most influential business women in the St. Louis region. The 25 women are featured in a special section of the […]

What a Show!

“Oohs!” and “Aaahhs!” and shouts of “Awesome!” filled the air as the Moon blotted out the Sun. And, yes, birds did fly in circles. The Great American Eclipse did not disappoint. The once-in-a-lifetime celestial show, however, was made even more special by a pervading sense of excitement and comradery. Whether you watched the eclipse alone […]

U.S. News & World Report Ranks BJH/WU #9 in Adult Nephrology

The Division of Nephrology is proud to announce that, once again, we rank in the top 10 nephrology programs in the nation, according to The U.S. News & World Report. The magazine ranked BJH/WU #9 best hospital for nephrology in the U.S. for 2017-2018, with an overall score of 82.2/100. A list of the 50 […]

Total Eclipse of the Sun

During a total solar eclipse, animals can behave strangely. Chickens head home to roost. Birds stop singing. Frogs start croaking. Geese may change their direction of flight. However, according to St. Louis Science Center Planetarium astronomer Eric Gustafson, the animal that will behave the most strangely, is the human being. The awe-inspiring event will have […]