Conference Spotlights Polycystic and Rare Kidney Diseases

The 2nd International Forum on Polycystic and Rare Kidney Diseases, held in Hefei, Anhui Province, China, September 3-5, 2018, brought together researchers and clinicians from around the world to discuss the latest scientific and medical advances in polycystic and rare kidney disease research. The forum covered topics ranging from identification and characterization of disease-causing variants […]

Goldberg and Mahjoub Awarded Nephrology Translational Innovation Grant

Assistant Professors of Medicine Moe Mahjoub, PhD and Seth Goldberg, MD, are recipients of the 2016 Translational Innovation Grant, awarded by Division of Nephrology in the sum of $50,000. The winning proposal, entitled Midbody Accumulation and Secretion in Polycystic Kidney Disease, aims to define how defects in components of the cell cytoskeleton contribute to the […]