Welcome Hatice Goshtaiy


Hatice Goshtaiy

One of the new faces you may have noticed in the division these past months is Hatice Goshtaiy, our new Research Administrator.  Hatice has been with WashU since 2005.  She worked in the Central Grants Office (OSRS) as a Grant Analyst and then moved on to the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology as a Grant Budget Specialist.  For the five years prior to joining us, Hatice worked in the Pathology Department as a Senior Grant Budget Specialist, where her primary job was to help investigators with their submissions and management of awarded grants.

Outside of work, Hatice’s favorite pastime is to spend time with her husband and two “wonderful” daughters.  “In my free time, which is extremely hard to find, I like drawing, painting, reading and singing Turkish Classical music.”  Hatice, a native of Turkey, also likes to travel.

Regarding her name (pronounced Hă-tee-J Gōsh-tāy), she says that she doesn’t mind it when people mispronounce it.  “Believe me, you get used to it after a while,” Hatice says good-naturedly.  “I am so happy to be part of Nephrology.  I look forward to getting to know everybody.”

The Division of Nephrology is lucky to have Hatice and we welcome her to our team.