Haojia Wu
The American Society of Nephrology debuted a new session at Kidney Week 2018, held last month in San Diego, CA, that featured 29 cutting edge, high-impact publications in the Clinical Journal of the American Society of Nephrology (CJASN) and the Journal of the American Society of Nephrology (JASN) over the past year.
The session, called The Best of ASN Journals: CJASN and JASN, highlighted innovative clinical, translational, and basic research publications in nephrology that represent some of the most important recent advances in kidney disease.
The manuscripts highlighted in the new session were divided into four nephrology disciplines: Kidney Transplantation, Vascular Biology and Cardiovascular Disease, Glomerular Disease, and Chronic Kidney Disease.

Andrew Malone
Researchers from the Division of Nephrology here at Washington University were proud to have one of their articles featured in the session (Kidney Transplantation). Instructor of Medicine Haojia Wu, PhD, and Assistant Professor of Medicine Andrew Malone, MB, BCh, are co-first authors of the featured article Single-Cell Transcriptomics of a Human Kidney Allograft Biopsy Specimen Defines a Diverse Inflammatory Response, which was on the cover of the JASN August 2018 issue. Their study presents the first analysis of a human kidney allograft biopsy using the state-of-the-art technique called single-cell RNA-sequencing. (Authors: Haojia Wu, Andrew F. Malone, Erinn L. Donnelly, Yuhei Kirita, Kohei Uchimura, Sai M. Ramakrishnan, Joseph P. Gaut and Benjamin D. Humphreys).
Included in the 29 manuscripts were three that featured important advances in C3 Glomerulopathy, six clinical trials results that are expected to have a strong influence on clinical care, and three papers that were released on the day of the session within the disciplines of chronic kidney disease and kidney transplantation. Editor-in-Chief of JASN, Josephine P. Briggs, MD, and Editor-in-Chief of CJASN, Rajnish Mehrotra, MD, MBBS, FASN, moderated the session.