Best Wishes on New Job

The division would like to wish all the best to Staff Scientist Piyush Tripathi as he leaves Washington University to take a position at Biomedical Systems here in St. Louis. Piyush was with the Chen Laboratory for five years as a postdoctoral fellow and four years as a Staff Scientist.

Piyush says that he is “excited, nervous, and sad” – it is hard to leave co-workers and a place you have called home for nine years – but he is looking forward to venturing out on his new career path.

One of Piyush’s colleagues, Rajees Varghese, says that Piyush was instrumental in helping him learn the ropes when he joined the laboratory last year. “I didn’t have any experience with many of the experimental procedures, but Piyush was patient to teach me.”

Rajees speaks for all of us when he says, “[Piyush’s] humble personality, great sense of humor, and helping nature will truly be missed. We wish him all the best for all of his future endeavors.”
Congratulations and good luck, Piyush!