Anitha Vijayan, MD
A long-standing tradition in the Division of Nephrology has been to mark the end of consult rotation with the attending treating the fellows, residents, and medical students to a nice meal.
“Ever since I was a fellow, the attendings always take the fellows on service, along with the rest of the team members, out for lunch or dinner at the end of the four-week consult rotation,” says Professor of Medicine, Dr. Anitha Vijayan. “It is a great way to relax and wind down at the end of the rotation and to say ‘thank you’ to the team for a job well done.”
Dr. Vijayan and Instructor of Medicine, Dr. Monica Chang-Panesso, treated the two consult teams to lunch at Little Saigon, a quaint Vietnamese restaurant in the Central West End. The attendance at this month’s celebration was bigger than usual. “The incoming fellows were also getting orientation on the consult service and, therefore, it turned out to be a large group,” says Dr. Vijayan. “We also had four residents, two medical students, an in-patient nurse practitioner, and even a high school student with us.”

Monica Chang-Panesso, MD
Dr. Vijayan believes that the fellows, residents, and medical students really appreciate the gesture and it helps end the rotation on a very friendly note. “For the residents and medical students, we hope that their time learning critical care nephrology, electrolytes, kidney biopsies and management glomerulonephritides will spark their interest in nephrology, and they will consider this as a career choice.”