September 17-21, 2018, the ninth annual celebration of National Postdoc Appreciation Week (NPAW), gives us the opportunity to officially recognize the importance of our Division of Nephrology postdocs.
The National Postdoctoral Association sponsors the NPAW to acknowledge the significant contributions that postdoctoral scholars make to U.S. research and discovery. In 2010, the celebratory week was officially recognized by the U.S. House of Representatives.
Across the country, events will be held at institutions throughout the week not only to celebrate postdocs, but also to create awareness of issues particular to the postdoctoral experience.
The WU School of Medicine Office of Postdoctoral Affairs PNAW events:
Monday, Sept 17
NPAW Postdoc Advocacy Workshop. Gary McDowell, PhD, Executive Director of The Future of Research, Inc. will lead the workshop for postdocs on the issues and barriers postdocs face at WU and how to effectively advocate for change and gain visibility at the institutional and national level. The event was held 9:15-11:15 am in the Schwarz Conference Room, 2nd Floor of McMillan Hospital.
Monday, Sept 17
What Next, for the Next Generation of Researchers? Gary McDowell, PhD, will address how the nation can ensure the successful launch and sustainment of careers among the next generation of researchers in biomedical and behavioral sciences. The event was open to all and held in Connor Auditorium, Farrell Learning & Teaching Center, Medical Campus.
Tuesday, Sept 18:
Celebration of Postdocs and Welcome New Postdocs with St. Louis Gus’ Pretzels – Tuesday Sept 18, 3:30-4:30 pm in the Farrell Learning & Teaching Center Atrium for postdocs and their faculty mentors.
Thursday, Sept 20:
Celebration of Postdocs Breakfast – Thursday Sept 20, 9-10 am in the Skandalaris Center, Mallinkrodt 128, Danforth Campus for postdocs and their faculty mentors
For nationwide celebrations, see the 2018 scheduled events here.