WashU Nephrology is proud to congratulate Morgan Schoer, MD, one of six recipients of the 2023 Knowlton Incentive for Excellence Award presented by The Foundation for Barnes-Jewish Hospital. The award recognizes Barnes-Jewish Hospital and WashU School of Medicine internal medicine residents and fellows who embody the “Knowlton Spirit” of compassionate care and leadership in the science of internal medicine and who are likely to continue their medical practice in the St. Louis area.
The Knowlton Incentive for Excellence Fund was established in 1984 by St. Louis real estate developer and business leader Charles J. Cella to recognize and honor the extraordinary care given by his physician and friend, Norman Knowlton Jr., MD. Dr. Knowlton was a Professor Emeritus of Clinical Medicine in internal medicine at WashU and BJH. Read more about the Knowlton Award. More than 200 residents and fellows have been recognized since the Knowlton Incentive for Excellence Awards began.
This year’s recipients were celebrated at the 39th annual Knowlton Incentive for Excellence Awards dinner on Oct. 30, 2023.
Dr. Schoer, a recent graduate of our Nephrology Fellowship Program, joined our faculty as Assistant Professor in August 2023. During her fellowship, Dr. Schoer was accepted into the ASN Policy and Advocacy Committee as an intern, helping shape public policy by advocating to the federal government for policies that benefit kidney patients and that increase funding for nephrology research and education. She was also among 50+ advocates from the American Society of Nephrology and the American Association of Kidney Patients who met virtually with Capitol Hill lawmakers for the 2022 Kidney Health Advocacy Day.
Schoer’s father, also a physician, was in attendance at the awards dinner to see his daughter receive the award.
Meet the Class of 2023 Knowlton Incentive for Excellence Awardees (pictured below, left to right)
- Joshua Siner, MD, Hematology/Oncology Division
- Walter Schiffer, MD, Cardiovascular Division
- Intelly Shang-Zhi Lee, MD, PhD, Division of Rheumatology
- Erin Dyer, MD, Internal Medicine Residency Program
- Morgan Schoer, MD, Division of Nephrology
- Rigo De Jesus Pizarro, MD, Hematology/Oncology Division

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