The American Society of Nephrology (ASN) has invited WashU Nephrology nurse practitioner Lisa Koester-Wiedemann, ANP, CNN-NP, to serve on their Kidney Week Education Committee for the 2022-2023 meetings. The committee is responsible for the meeting’s program content, primarily sessions and abstracts.
Koester-Wiedemann was invited to serve because of her expertise in clinical dialysis. As renal nurse practitioner, she is responsible for clinical coverage of in-center hemodialysis, home dialysis (hemodialysis and peritoneal dialysis) and the chronic kidney disease patient population. She educates patients about current dialysis modality options and is an adjunct instructor of medicine for nurse practitioner students. In 2020, she received both the Barbara Prowant Lifetime Achievement Award in nephrology nursing and the prestigious WashU Dean’s Distinguished Service Award.
Her participation on the ASN committee includes attending two planning meetings annually. Before the first meeting, which was held this past January, Koester-Wiedemann was responsible for brainstorming and planning multiple sessions with several topics each, as well as recommending speakers. Now that the sessions are decided, she will be inviting the speakers and moderators for those sessions.
“Because I am the only NP on the committee, I will also have the job of reviewing sessions for content for continuing education for nurse practitioners and nurses,” says Koester-Wiedemann. In addition, she is part of the Dialysis and Interventional Nephrology subgroup.
Koester-Wiedemann will join WashU Nephrology faculty member Tingting Li, MD, MSCI, who is serving her second year on the Kidney Week Education Committee and is part of the Glomerular Diseases Subgroup responsible for glomerular disease educations sessions and abstracts.
ASN Kidney Week 2022 will be held November 1-6 in Orlando, Florida.
Follow @lisakoester11, @Ting2li, @WUNephrology and @ASNKidney on Twitter.