Marcos Rothstein, MD
Marcos Rothstein, MD, Professor of Medicine, Division of Nephrology, will be the guest speaker of Evening Grand Rounds on Tuesday, February 7, 2016. The topic of discussion will be alternative treatments for hypertension.
“Worldwide, uncontrolled hypertension is reaching epidemic proportions, with dire implications for cardiovascular morbidity and mortality,” says Dr. Rothstein. “For a large population of patients, pharmacological therapies are not meeting treatment goals. Harnessing the sympathetic nerve system to better control many variants of hypertension have been a tantalizing and frustrating journey.”
Dr. Rothstein will present an update of advances in the field of non-pharmacological treatments of hypertension and will offer a critical summary of the best emerging strategies.
Time and Place: Queeny Tower Restaurant, 17th Floor, Queeny Tower Room C. A buffet dinner at 5:45 pm will precede the presentation. 1 hour CME credit.