Fond Farewell to Thin Thin Maw

The division is saying farewell to transplant nephrologist Thin Thin Maw, MBBS, MS. Thin Thin is joining the Division of Nephrology and Hypertension at the University of Southern California Keck School of Medicine where she will be performing both general and transplant nephrology services as an assistant professor. “It has been a wonderful two and […]

Goldberg and Mahjoub Awarded Nephrology Translational Innovation Grant

Assistant Professors of Medicine Moe Mahjoub, PhD and Seth Goldberg, MD, are recipients of the 2016 Translational Innovation Grant, awarded by Division of Nephrology in the sum of $50,000. The winning proposal, entitled Midbody Accumulation and Secretion in Polycystic Kidney Disease, aims to define how defects in components of the cell cytoskeleton contribute to the […]

Best Wishes on New Job

The division would like to wish all the best to Staff Scientist Piyush Tripathi as he leaves Washington University to take a position at Biomedical Systems here in St. Louis. Piyush was with the Chen Laboratory for five years as a postdoctoral fellow and four years as a Staff Scientist. Piyush says that he is […]

Timothy Yau, AJKD Blog Social Media Editor

Meet Timothy Yau: Husband, Father, Nephrologist, Medicine Coursemaster, Teaching Award Winner, Musician, Videographer, and Social Media Mogul. Ok, that last one might be an exaggeration for now, but give him time. Dr. Yau, Assistant Professor of Medicine in Nephrology, has just been appointed Social Media Editor for the American Journal for Kidney Diseases blog site […]

Joseph Gaut, Renal Pathologist

Joseph Gaut, MD, PhD, Assistant Professor, Pathology & Immunology, is a busy man. Being the only pathologist with specialized expertise in renal pathology here at WashU, Dr. Gaut signs out every kidney biopsy that comes through the division. This includes all medical biopsies, all transplant biopsies from Barnes-Jewish and Children’s Hospitals and biopsies sent in […]

From the heart: Drs. Yong-feng Gong and Hani Suleiman Receive AHA Grants

Congratulations are in order for two young investigators in the Division of Nephrology who have been awarded AWRP Summer 2016 Scientist Development Grants from the American Heart Association (AHA). These grants are intended to help promising, beginning scientists bridge the gap from completion of their research training to becoming an independent investigator. Yong-Feng Gong, PhD, […]

Best Wishes, Vicky Stringer

The Division of Nephrology would like to wish Vicky Stringer, L.C.S. W., all the best in her retirement. Vicky has been both a dialysis center social worker and renal clinic social worker over the 24 years that she has been with the division. Vicky has served on the board of the National Kidney Foundation for […]

Vijayan Joins the Challenge: NTDS Commitment to Improve Dialysis Care

An ambitious – and exciting – initiative that will challenge the dialysis community to rethink how infections are detected, reported, and managed is being launched by a collaboration between the ASN and the CDC. Anitha Vijayan, MD, Professor of Medicine, Division of Nephrology, is co-chair of one of the work groups of the Nephrologists Transforming […]

Timothy Yau’s YouTube Pathology Series Wins ASN Kidney Award

The Renal Fellow Network announced the winners of the NephJC Kidney Awards, Friday, November 18, 2016, at the #KidneyWk TweetUp at Benny’s Chop House in Chicago, IL. Congratulations to Timothy Yau, MD, Assistant Professor of Medicine, Division of Nephrology, Washington University, for winning the Nathan Hellman Social Media Innovation of the Year for his YouTube […]

Charles Anderson, Pioneer of Kidney Transplantation at Barnes, Dies

Charles Bernard Anderson, MD, the surgeon who in 1973 performed the first kidney transplant at Barnes Hospital, died November 7, 2016, of congestive heart failure, at the age of 78. Dr. Anderson was a pioneer of donor-specific transfusions and immunologic tolerance in kidney transplantation, which transformed the field of organ transplantation. He founded the Kidney […]