Several members of WashU Nephrology recently participated in the 2021 National Kidney Foundation’s Spring Clinical Meetings (SCM). The annual meeting, held virtually again this year because of the COVID-19 pandemic, is the only conference of its kind that focuses on translating science into practice for the entire healthcare team.

Lisa Koester-Wiedemann, MSN, CS, CNN-NP, a nephrology nurse practitioner in our division for the past 21 years, was invited to present a lecture on “Volume Management.”
Rowena Delos Santos, MD, a transplant nephrologist specialist, presented two topics: “Managing Non-Transplant Medical Events in the Transplant Recipient” and “Cardiovascular Risk Attenuation in the Kidney Transplant Recipient.” She was also a discussant in a live interactive session in which participants shared information about cases they have encountered and how they approached the situations. “This was a wonderful meeting with many topics that I found interesting,” says Delos Santos. “I was honored to be asked to participate as a speaker and discussant.”

Timothy Yau, MD, a nephrologist and medical educator, was co-chair of the Fellows’ Trivia Night, during which teams of fellows from across the country answered nephrology-related questions in a fun and friendly environment.
Follow Dr. Yau on Twitter @Maximal_Change.

Anitha Vijayan, MD, FASN, Director of Acute Dialysis Services for Barnes-Jewish Hospital and Barnes-Jewish West County Hospital, presented a lecture entitled “Management of AKI in SARS-CoV2” in the Acute Kidney Injury in the COVID Era session. She was also a speaker in the live presentation panel discussion of “Lessons Learned, Role of Early Dialysis, and Next Studies in Critical Care Nephrology” concerning the STARRT AKI Trial Results. In addition, Vijayan was co-chair of the session CRRT: Basic to Advanced Case Scenarios.
Follow Dr. Vijayan on Twitter @VijayanMD.

Dan Coyne, MD, Daniel Coyne, MD, Medical Director of the Chromalloy American Kidney Center, was chair of a session entitled The Emerging Role of HIF-Prolyl Hydroxylase Inhibitors in the Management of CKD Anemia. He reviewed the multifactorial pathophysiology of CKD-related anemia during the session.
Follow Dr. Coyne on Twitter @DrDanMO.

Tarek Alhamad, MD, MS, FACP, FASN, Medical Director of Kidney and Pancreas Transplant Programs at Barnes-Jewish Washington University Transplant Center, presented “Acute Rejection in Kidney Transplantation,” sharing the virtual stage with Jonathan Bromberg, MD, PhD from University of Maryland School of Medicine and Deirdre Sawinski, MD from University of Pennsylvania Perelman School of Medicine.
Follow Dr. Alhamad on Twitter @TransplantPulse.

Also taking part in the event was Assistant Professor of Medicine Charbel Khoury, MD.
Follow Dr. Khoury on Twitter @Charbel_Khoury.
Stay in touch with WashU Nephrology on Twitter @WUNephrology.