2017 Renal Staff Microgrant Winner 2 – Home Blood Pressure and Medication Management Program for Low Income Renal Clinic Patients

Congratulations to the team of Connie Mayo RN, Michelle Bloom RN, Lois Seibel RN, Cheryl Land RN, Vicky Stringer LCSW, and Will Ross, M.D, who have been awarded a Renal Staff Microgrant to continue work originally funded in December 2015.

The grant will ensure continued education and the availability of digital home blood pressure monitors for low income patients in the Renal Clinic. Using the portable monitors, the patients can take their blood pressure at home and simply call in their readings into the clinic. Adjustments to their medication can be made over the phone, saving the patient a trip to the clinic.

In addition, the grant will provide medication planners for those in need. Many patients have complicated medication regimens, and pill planners will help simplify medication management for the patients, family members and caregivers.

Support for the outpatient program has been very positive. All of the renal physicians have referred one or more patients for participation in the blood pressure management program. As of the end of 2016, the program has provided education and monitors for 30 patients. The program has fostered improved patient/staff communication and patient medical compliance, with many patients reporting significant improvements in their blood pressures.