Save the date for the 3rd annual KIDNEYcon held in Little Rock, Arkansas, April 6-7, 2018.
Using a hands-on format, the scientific conference provides updates in the latest advances in kidney care featuring scientific and clinical lectures as well as half-day workshops targeted to medicine residents, nephrology fellows and early-stage nephrologists.

John Arthur
“This promises to be the best KIDNEYcon yet with four new workshops offered and the exciting nephrology education summit at the Clinton Presidential Library,” says Dr. John Arthur, Director of the conference.
This year, KIDNEYcon will feature seven interactive hand-on workshops held Friday and Saturday mornings. Attendees may pick one workshop to attend each day:
• The Kidney Biopsy Academy
• Vascular Ultrasound for Assessment of Volume Status Workshop
• Interventional Nephrology Workshop* only Saturday
• NephroTalk Communication Skills Workshop
• Acid/Base Fluids and Electrolytes Workshop
• Kidney Pathology Workshop
• Physician Scientist Workshop – How do I get there from here? (Friday only)

Alana Desai
A Nephrology Education Summit will be held on Friday afternoon at the Clinton Presidential Library. Five speakers will present a wide range of topics, followed by a talk by Jeff Amerine, PMP and founder of Startup Junkie Consulting, on how to implement educational initiatives using the LEAN Canvas business model.
Friday evening, attendees will be treated to a cocktail hour, a “Jeopardy” competition, and a keynote address by Dr. Matthew Sparks discussing the physician-scientist career pathway.
The Saturday afternoon session will feature a series of lectures on AKI and Liver Disease followed by lectures on kidney stones (Rocks Rock Little Rock). Alana Desai, Assistant Professor of Surgery at Washington University School of Medicine will present Urological Interventions for Acute Urolithiasis.

Matthew Sparks
Timothy Yau, Assistant Professor of Medicine in the Division of Nephrology, Washington University, will be attending the conference. Dr. Yau, who is Social Media Editor for the AJKD blog site and creator of the Washington University Nephrology Web Video Series, will be live-tweeting the conference under the #kidneycon hashtag.
University of Arkansas Medical Services will fund seven travel support grants for fellows and residents to cover the cost of the conference registration, airfare, and up to three nights lodging at the Little Rock Marriott. Application for the travel grants closes on February 16. See here for more information.
KIDNEYcon 2018 coordinators are: Director John Arthur, MD, PhD; Professor and Chief of Nephrology, University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences; Co-Director Shree Sharma, MD, FASN, Nephropathologist, Arkana Laboratories, Little Rock, AR; and Education Director Matthew Sparks, MD, Assistant Professor, Duke University Medical Center.