Let’s Get a Conversation Started

ASN has created a dedicated site, or Community, for PhDs and MD/PhDs who work in a primarily clinical society to engage with other researchers and scientists from around the world.  Jeffrey Miner, PhD, Professor of Medicine in the Division of Nephrology, is one of the Ambassadors of the new Basic Science Research Community.  The Community provides an open forum to share knowledge and resources, and is a place to give and get advice from other nephrology scientists.  The Basic Science Research Community joins the Onco-Nephrology Community that strives to improve cancer care “through discussions, easy access to important scientific contributions, announcements for clinical meetings, scholarly activities and research collaboration aimed at improving the care of cancer patients and the knowledge of cancer teams.”

asnipThe ASN Community site provides a user guide, tutorials and FAQS to make the process of joining simple.  So, sign up and get a conversation started!