The 12th NephMadness is officially underway. The month-long event, hosted by AJKD Blog, is an online, interactive, educational activity modeled on March Madness, the annual US college basketball tournament, with the exception that nephrology topics fill in for basketball teams.
Social media tools are used to encourage a good-natured, robust discussion about the latest news and breakthroughs in the field of nephrology. The goal is to choose which topic in the “bracket” will most likely change the practice of nephrology over the next five years.
The competition starts with eight main topics (regions), with each divided into two competing subtopics (teams). Each region is introduced by an in-depth review of the subject by an author and overseen by an expert in the field. Official winners for each matchup are determined by the nine members of the Blue Ribbon Panel.
Get to know the 2024 NephMadness Executive Team that made the event happen here. WashU Nephrology is so proud that one of our very own – Dr. Timothy Yau (@Maximal_Change) – is on the committee. Dr. Yau was the AJKD Social Media Editor from 2016 to 2021 and is currently the AJKDBlog Interviews Editor. He joined the NephMadness Executive Team in 2016 and wrote the very first Animal House Region in 2018.
Also participating in NephMadness 2024 are Drs. Taha Mohamed and Marco Thierry (@MarcoThierry1), both 2nd-year WashU Nephrology fellows who wrote competing summaries for the Metabolic Acidosis nephrology bracket topic (see below).

From left: Drs. Timothy Yau, Taha Mohamed; and Marco Thierry
Visit AJKD Blog to register, read about the topics, and make your choices. CME/CE credit and MOC points are available for players. The brackets are to be submitted by March 31, 2024. During the month, groups are encouraged to organize a #NephMadnessParty to post on social media.
Here is the official list of the eight nephrology regions with the names of the the expert for each region and authors of the two competing team summaries:
- Animal House: Kelly Hyndman @DrKeeksPhD | Tiffany Truong @CRRTiff
- Preeclampsia: Michelle Hladunewich @hladunewich | Jessica Tangren | Gilda Portalatin @GildaPortalatin | Connor Grantham @cgranth510
- Toxicology: Marc Ghannoum | David Goldfarb @weddellite | Diane Calello @DrDianeC | Jorge Gaytan @JEGAYTAN90
- Hyponatremia Correction: Mirjam Christ-Crain @ChristCrain | Naman Gupta | Alisha Sharma @AlishaSharmaMD | Graham Gipson @grahamgipsonmd
- Things We Do For No Reason: Tony Breu @tony_breu | Lenny Feldman @DocLennyF | Farah Daccueil @FDaccueil | Imran Chaudhri @ImranChaudhri3
- Metabolic Acidosis: Nimrit Goraya | Marco Thierry @MarcoThierry1 | Taha Mohamed
- Dual Organ Transplant: Roslyn Mannon @mannonmom | Sam Kant @kantsmd | Manal Alotaibi @Maealotaibi
- Peritoneal Dialysis: Janice Lea | Jeff Perl @PD_Perls | Tim Hopper
2024 NephMadness Bracket:

On X, follow @Maximal_Change, @MarcoThierry1 and @WUNephrology; visit and “Like” us on Facebook.