Ying Maggie Chen, MD, PhD
Congratulations to Ying Maggie Chen, MD, PhD, who just received an Investigator Matching Micro Grant funded by the Center for Drug Discovery (CDD) at Washington University for her proposal titled Development of a Novel Biotherapeutic Protein to Treat Endoplasmic Reticulum Stress-Mediated Kidney Disease.
Although accumulating evidence has highlighted the important role of endoplasmic reticulum (ER) stress in the pathogenesis of various glomerular and tubular diseases, there is no therapy targeting the underlying ER dysfunction due to lack of molecules suppressing ER stress-mediated cell death. To address the unmet medical needs, Chen’s project will target ER to treat ER stress-mediated kidney diseases. A non-provisional patent application #16/446,073 was filed by WU this week.
The CDD was founded in 2016 to facilitate the translation of basic research into new medicines. Following the successful launch of its pilot grant program administered through the LEAP Inventor Challenge Award, the CDD now offers this new funding mechanism in the form of Matching Micro Grants to stimulate the use of the Center’s services in support of its translational drug discovery mission.
Read more about Dr. Chen’s research on the Y. Maggie Chen Lab Web Site.