Monica Chang-Panesso, MD, Assistant Professor of Medicine, Division of Nephrology, has been honored with an American Society for Clinical Investigation (ASCI) Council Young Physician-Scientist Award.
Each year the ASCI Council honors up to 40 early career physician-scientists who have made notable achievements in their research.
Chang-Panesso’s research explores the molecular mechanisms underlying the repair response after acute kidney injury with a special interest in how this differs in aging and potentially drives a higher incidence of failed repair.
In 2021, Dr. Chang-Panesso was the first recipient of the Roger M. Perlmutter Career Development Professorship. She received a five-year K08 Mentored Clinical Scientist Research Career Development Award in 2020 to study tubular senescence and proliferative capacity of the aging kidney and is first author of the landmark article in the Journal of Clinical Investigation in 2019 titled “FoxM1 drives proximal tubule proliferation during repair from acute kidney injury.”
The award provides a two-year longitudinal experience that includes leadership development workshops, topical panel discussions with ASCI members, interaction with peer review groups, and virtual poster sessions. Awardees also participate in the Joint Meeting, an annual meeting of three organizations: The Association of American Physicians, The American Society for Clinical Investigation, and The American Physician-Scientists Association.
“I am very honored for having been awarded this prestigious recognition and the opportunity to attend the workshops and meet other researchers. I am very thankful to all the people who have helped me along the way in my career development.”
Monica Chang-Panesso
Read more about Dr. Chang-Panesso in WashU Nephrology News:
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