WashU Nephrology congratulates Yoshiharu Muto, MD, PhD, Instructor of Medicine, for being selected to receive a Polycystic Kidney Disease Research Resource Consortium (PKD RRC) Pilot and Feasibility Award for his project titled “Defining GPRC5A as a Therapeutic Target for ADPKD.” He is one of six 2024 PKD RRC awardees.
Funded by the National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases (NIDDK), the PKD RRC is a national consortium that strives to advance discovery in the field of PKD by promoting innovation and resource sharing.
The $63,500 award (total costs for one year) supports the development of innovative and high impact projects broadly related to the study of PKD and has the possibility of renewal for a second year.
“This grant provides an amazing opportunity for early-career scientists who want to start the research for polycystic kidney disease and contribute to the PKD research community.”
Yoshiharu Muto
Dr. Muto joined our division in 2018 as a researcher in the laboratory of Division Chief, Benjamin Humphreys, MD, PhD, Joseph Friedman Professor of Renal Diseases in Medicine, and joined our faculty in 2023. He was recently awarded a Carl W. Gottschalk Research Scholar Grant by the KidneyCure Transition to Independence Grants Program, a foundation of the American Society of Nephrology (see more here).
Visit the Humphreys Lab to learn more about the group’s cutting-edge research. On X, follow @YoshiharuMuto and @WUNephrology; visit us on Facebook and Instagram.